4 ACTIONS you can take to reduce SOIL POLLUTION

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From deforestation to improper waste disposal, there is a number of factors that are eroding the nature-gifted treasure i.e. soil. These factors include inorganic as well as organic compounds that have a significant adverse effect on soil.

Soil pollution has serious ramifications on food security. Also, it affects food availability by reducing crop yields and hampering crop growth owing to toxic levels of contaminants, thus increasing the problem of food security.

Hence, for a sustainable future, it is crucial to conserve the health of soil. Below are four ways to control soil pollution:

Improved Agricultural Practices

Careless use of chemical fertilisers results in soil acidification. To ensure soil’s health, farmers must not only use organic fertilizers such as manure but also adopt the integrated pest management strategy. 

Further, the practice of growing a single crop ought to be avoided as it makes soil deficient of essential nutrients. Instead, the practice of crop rotation should be followed to preserve this natural resource.

Reforestation and Afforestation

Trees enhance the land’s capacity to store water, stabilize the soil, prevent erosion, and moderate air and soil temperatures. Trees help in curbing soil erosion as they stop strong winds from carrying away soil sediments.

Their roots hold soil sediments intact and prevent run-off of particles into streams with rainwater. 

Forests also make an essential contribution to food security by maintaining the environmental conditions required for agri-production. 

Proper disposal of industrial waste

Due to inadequate facilities for waste disposal, industries often dump it open, causing heavy damage to the land. Non-treated industrial waste takes millions of years to get decomposed. 
Therefore, factories should dispose off their waste in the appropriate manner, and governments should also ensure the same.

Use renewable sources 

Burning of fossil fuels emits toxic gases like nitrogen. Subsequently, these gases settle onto the topmost layer of the soil, affecting its quality. So, using renewable sources of energy like wind, solar and hydroelectric power prevents land pollution.