US-Israel Agri Fund approves financing of grants, fellowships in agriculture for $6.7 million

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The US-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development (BARD) Fund’s Board of directors has given its approval to finance grants and fellowships of joint R&D projects in agriculture for a total of $6.7 million.

“The BARD funding allows for investigators from the US and Israel to join forces and conduct agricultural research. This collaboration serves as a force multiplier, and the synergy generate far greater achievements than would have been attained with scientists working separately,” said Prof. Abed Gera, chairman of the BARD board and director of the Plant Protection and Inspection Services at the Israeli Agriculture Ministry.

Among the research grants for projects funded this year are:

• Technology for development of the olive and pomegranate industries
• Micro-irrigation systems
• Aquaculture systems
• Solutions for plant diseases in crops like barley, sesame, and tomato