Canada and British Columbia invest in 57 infrastructure projects across the province to create inclusive, resilient communities

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RICHMOND, BC, April 11, 2022 /CNW/ – Investments in local infrastructure projects help build inclusive, resilient communities. They create good jobs and business opportunities, address some of the gaps highlighted by the pandemic, and support local climate-related initiatives.

Today, the Honourable Joyce Murray, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, on behalf of the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities, and the Honourable Nathan Cullen, British Columbia’s Minister of Municipal Affairs, announced more than $110.3 million in joint federal-provincial funding for 57 community, recreation, and green infrastructure projects across British Columbia.

Among communities benefitting from the investments announced today, the City of Richmond will see the former Minoru Place Activity Centre repurposed into an inclusive community arts facility. The new facility will increase arts programming for residents of all ages with the construction of two dance studios, a pottery studio, a media arts studio, and multipurpose program rooms.

Funding will also support 13 Indigenous-led projects in British Columbia.                                        

Notably, the Doig River First Nations will construct a new cultural education building to accommodate in-person and virtual learning. The First Nations of the McLeod Lake Indian Band will build a community centre featuring a lobby with cultural displays, a gym, fitness room, multi-purpose rooms, and outdoor gathering spaces.

Other communities in the province will benefit from new or upgraded community halls, arts centres, arenas, pools, play structures, parks, community gardens, as well as improved water treatment systems. A few projects will also construct or enhance active transportation options, including the pedestrian and cycling overpass that will connect the Galloping Goose regional trail to the Island Highway in Colwood.  

The Government of Canada is investing more than $56.8 million in these 57 projects through the Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure, Rural and Northern Infrastructure, and Green Infrastructure streams of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program. The Government of British Columbia is contributing $53.4 million, and contributions from project recipients total $27.1 million.


"Accessible spaces that enable community members to gather, learn and express their creativity help reduce social isolation and promote inclusivity.  Our government is happy that British Columbia is partnering with us to invest in social and green infrastructure projects that will make a meaningful difference in the lives of thousands of British Columbians."

The Honourable Joyce Murray, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard and MP for Vancouver Quadra, on behalf of the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities

"By investing in accessible community infrastructure, we’re ensuring British Columbians in every corner of the province benefit from vibrant, well-connected communities. Projects like the Minoru Place Arts Centre in Richmond and District of Kent Aquatic Centre will improve people’s health and well-being through improved access to culture and recreation, helping us build even stronger communities."

Nathan Cullen, MLA for Stikine and Minister of Municipal Affairs

"Richmond has a proud and vibrant arts community.  This grant from the Canada Infrastructure Program helps the City to continue to build capacity and create a lasting legacy. When complete, the Richmond Cultural Centre Annex will house more than 16,000 square feet of purpose-built shared arts program space to serve community needs and accommodate community arts groups."

Malcolm Brodie, Mayor of Richmond

Quick facts

  • Federal funding is conditional on meeting all requirements related to consultation with Indigenous groups.
  • Through the Investing in Canada Plan, the federal government is investing more than $180 billion over 12 years in public transit projects, green infrastructure, social infrastructure, trade and transportation routes, and Canada’s rural and northern communities.
  • Over the last six years, $4,974,011,395 in federal funding has been approved for 801 infrastructure projects in British Columbia, including the 57 featured today. 
  • Infrastructure Canada helps address complex challenges that Canadians face every day—ranging from the rapid growth of our cities, to climate change, and environmental threats to our water and land.

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Backgrounder: Canada and British Columbia invest in 57 infrastructure projects across the province to create inclusive, resilient communities



Canada and British Columbia invest in 57 infrastructure projects across the province to create inclusive, resilient communities

Joint federal, provincial, and municipal funding through the Investing in Canada plan will support 57 projects across British Columbia. Projects include new and upgraded community, cultural, and recreational spaces, active transportation infrastructure, and wastewater and stormwater infrastructure.

The Government of Canada is investing over $56.8 million towards these projects through the Community Culture, and Recreation Infrastructure Stream, the Green Infrastructure Stream, and the Rural and Northern Infrastructure Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program. The Government of British Columbia is contributing over $53.4 million. Recipients are contributing over $27.1 million to these projects.

Project Information:
Community, Culture, and Recreation Infrastructure Stream


Project Name

Project Details





Anmore Community Hub

Construct a new community centre including a large, divisible, multi-purpose space, several smaller multi-purpose rooms, and other amenities





Millennium Park Phase 3

Install a castle play structure and create an accessible gravel walking trail around Millennium Park




Central Saanich

Centennial Park Multi Use Sport Box Project

Replace an old lacrosse box with a multi-use, covered, all-weather sport box facility including new boards, benches, lighting, and other amenities




Columbia Shuswap, Regional District

Eagle Bay Community Park

Construct a park in Eagle Bay with a playground, outdoor fitness equipment, multipurpose sport courts, picnic shelter, and other related work




Cowichan Valley, Regional District

Cowichan Performing Arts Centre Expansion

Upgrade the Performing Arts Centre, including a convertible orchestra pit for extra seating, a new concession and lounge area, expanded public washrooms, and other accessibility features





Elkford Community Hub

Rehabilitate the old municipal office into a multi-use community space, including rentable office space, flex-space, and programming spaces





Mount 7 Rec Plex Gym Floor Renewal

Replace the gymnasium’s hardwood floor and install a new spring system and new sport lines





District of Kent Aquatic Centre

Replace the seasonal outdoor pool in Agassiz with a new year-round indoor aquatic facility with a 6-lane pool, leisure, and whirl pools, sauna, and other amenities





Kimberley Nordic Club Kiosk Upgrade

Build a permanent welcome centre at the Kimberley Nordic Club, complete with support services and equipment rentals




Kitselas First Nation

Kitselas Community Recreation Centre*

Construct a two-storey community recreation centre near Terrace, including a theatre, multi-purpose rooms, fitness room, gym, and commercial kitchen




Logan Lake

Logan Lake Recreation Centre Ice Plant Replacement

Replace the ice plant in the Logan Lake Arena with a more efficient model and perform related electrical work




McLeod Lake Indian Band First Nation

McLeod Lake Indian Band Community Centre

Construct a new community centre including a gym, fitness room, multi-purpose rooms, lobby with cultural display, outdoor gathering spaces, and other amenities




Nadleh Whut’en First Nation

Nadleh Whut’en Community Skating Rink*

Build an all-season outdoor recreational facility that will be used as a floor hockey arena, basketball court, and mini-soccer fields in the summer and an ice rink in the winter




Nak’azdli Whut’en First Nation

Multigenerational Multi-Use Park: Skatepark and Multi-Use Ball Park*

Construct an "all wheels access" skatepark with assistive technology for wheelchair motocross riders, individuals with low or impaired vision, and aid-assisted riders




Nanaimo, City of

Artificial Turf Field at Harewood Centennial Park

Install two synthetic turf fields, field lights, and covered areas for spectators and players at Harewood Centennial Park




Port Moody

Inlet Park Sports Field Redevelopment

Replace the existing field with a new all-weather artificial turf surface, install related field equipment, two playgrounds, a walking path, and associated environmental enhancements




qathet, regional district

Lund Community Centre Expansion/Upgrade

Construct an approximately 6,900 square foot addition to the Lund Community Centre including a half court gym and a stage with seating and upgrade the kitchen





West Fraser Timber Park Trails*

Perform upgrades to approximately 2.6 km of trail in the West Fraser Timber Park trail network, including realignments and installation of point of interest markers and signage





Minoru Place Activity Centre Conversion to Arts Centre

Convert an existing building into a community arts facility with art and dance studios and other multi-purpose program rooms





Rutledge Park Playground, Splash Pad & Washroom

Upgrade Rutledge Park and playground and build a new splash pad, washrooms, and change facilities





Stewart Community Hall

Build an approximately 9,500 square foot, one level, accessible community hall, including flex space, a commercial kitchen, and public washrooms




 Lower Stl’atl’imx

Lower Stl’atl’imx Outdoor Recreation Improvement

Install three new outdoor multi-sport courts in three Stl’atl’imx Nation communities including court fencing and associated equipment like netting




Stz’uminus First Nation

Long House Renovation and Expansion*

Upgrade the Long House and replace the kitchen and dining hall with a new Cultural Hall, separate from the building





Giant’s Head Mountain Trails Project Phases 3 & 4*

Complete trail redevelopment in Giant’s Head Mountain, including construction of trails, public washroom, crib steps on steep trail sections for environmental protection, new signage, split-rail fencing, park road improvements, and fire hazard remediation work




Sunshine Valley

Celebration Park

Build an outdoor recreational space including a learning playground, splash pad that will double as an ice rink in the winter, gazebo, landscaping, and other amenities





Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood House Society- Interior Renovation

Renovate and expand the Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood House to include an industrial kitchen and rooms for programming and storage





B.C. Artscape Society – 825 Pacific: Affordable Space for Cultural Production

Complete interior construction of a building 221A Artist Run Centre including studio space for cultural organizations and artistic practices





Lakeview Wading Pool Revitalization

Construct a new splash pad, wading pool with zero-depth entry, and amenity building to replace the "Peanut Pool"





Topaz Park Artificial Turf Field

Realign and replace the existing turf field at Topaz Park, add an artificial turf practice field, install bleachers, covered shelters for players, pedestrian routes, and other amenities





Geosite Infrastructure & Interpretation

Improve the Whistler Global Geological site (Geosite) park through new viewing platforms and interpretive signage for four sites of global geological significance, new trails, and increased parking spaces




Xeni Gwet’in First Nation

Xeni Gwet’in Community Centre*

Construct a community care centre in the Nemaiah Valley, including a gathering space, meeting rooms, kitchen, solar farm, and other amenities




Yunesit’in Government First Nation

Arena Roof and Changeroom*

Add a roof structure over the outdoor rink and build changerooms, washrooms, and bleachers in the rink area




*For projects marked by an asterisk, federal funding is conditional on fulfilling all requirements related to consultation with Indigenous groups and environmental assessment.

Green Infrastructure Stream


Project Name

Project Details





Galloping Goose Overpass

Connect the Galloping Goose Trail through the construction of a pedestrian and cycling overpass crossing the Island Highway




Langley, Township of

Yorkson Lowlands Stormwater Management and Ecological Restoration*

Construct a series of stormwater management wetlands, remove existing stormwater infrastructure, install an access trail and signage, and revegetate the area with native plant species




Port Alberni

Connect the Quays Multi-Modal Pathway*

Construct a 3.5km multi-modal asphalt pathway connecting the Victoria Quay to Harbour Quay




Vancouver (Metro)

Widgeon Marsh Regional Park*

Establish a 10 km trail network, improve existing trails, decommission the Stewart Creek Road, and perform hydrotechnical and geotechnical risk abatement




*For projects marked by an asterisk, federal funding is conditional on fulfilling all requirements related to consultation with Indigenous groups and environmental assessment.

Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure Stream


Project Name

Project Details




100 Mile House

Horse Lake Road Bridge Replacement

Replace the timber Horse Lake Bridge with a two-lane steel and concrete bridge with a single sidewalk and bike path




Alert Bay

Town Square Revitalization

Rehabilitate the town square, construct a redesigned hard surface plaza space, and a pedestrian corridor, and complete work on a sea wall




Columbia Shuswap Regional District

Loftus Lake Fen Universal Trail*

Construct 1.34km of universal accessible trail in a park adjacent to Loftus Lake Fen




Doig River First Nation

Tsaa? che ne Dane Cultural Education Centre

Construct an accessible cultural education building that can accommodate in-person and distance learning





Outdoor Pool

Replace an existing pool with a new facility, including a 5-lane lap pool, leisure pool with zero-entry access, lazy river, hot tub and other amenities





Skatepark Redevelopment

Replace the skate park with a modern all-wheel park with accessible viewing areas, a water station, pathway connections, and a parking lot




Fort St. James

Fort Forum Arena Revitalization

Retrofit the Fort Forum Arena including accessibility and operational enhancements






River Road Active Transportation Upgrades and Road Works

Reconstruct approximately 500m of River Road, construct a bike lane and new sidewalk, and rehabilitate stormwater infrastructure





Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre Society: New Facility Project

Replace the Friendship Centre with a new accessible facility, including a community kitchen, playground, and storage





Centre 64 Arts Centre Roof and Truss Upgrades

Replace the roof structure of Centre 64 to protect theatre seating, artwork in the community and cultural space, and the building itself




Kootenay Boundary Regional District

Christina Lake Water System Upgrades

Perform various treatment upgrades to the Christina Lake Water System such as the construction and installation of new pipes, disinfecting systems, and connections to the existing structures





Whiskey Creek Water Supply Upgrade

Construct a transmission main, install new distribution pumps, and a back-up generator, and perform related civil, mechanical and electrical works to Whiskey Creek’s water supply





Regional Multi-Modal Transportation Hub

Develop a multi-modal transportation hub including charging receptacles, parking lot, covered bike storage, appropriate signage, and other amenities




Salt Spring Island

Grow Together

Expand two community gardens with new raised beds, an orchard, and a traditional perennial food garden, and install irrigation and filtration systems




Shawinigan Lake

Shawnigan Lake Historical Society – The Expansion of the Shawnigan Lake Museum

Expand the Shawnigan Lake Museum including gallery space, archival and research space, kitchen, and multi-purpose rooms




 Skuppah Indian Band

Skuppah Indian Band Food Security Centre*

Construct a Food Security Centre with kitchen, food storage, indoor and outdoor preparation areas, and space to accommodate traditional food preparation training and practice




Sunshine Coast

Sunshine Coast – Woodcreek Park Wastewater Treatment Plant System Upgrade

Repair, reconfigure, and replace piping, tanks, and other systems and equipment pertinent to the Woodcreek Park Wastewater Treatment Plant





Community Pier and Dock*

Construct a new multi-purpose community pier and dock that can accommodate both marine and air crafts





Eby Street Staircase Construction

Construct an all-season staircase with a bike rail to connect upper and lower Terrace




T’exelcemc First Nation

Williams Lake First Nation Community Playground*

Rehabilitate the playground, replace gravel with a rubberized surface, and install ramps




Tla’amin Nation

¿¿ms ¿ay¿ (Our House) – Cultural Facility*

Build a cultural centre including a community kitchen and indoor and outdoor traditional cooking areas, museum space, smokehouse, playground, food and medicine gardens, pathways, bike trails, and a parking lot





*For projects marked by an asterisk, federal funding is conditional on fulfilling all requirements related to consultation with Indigenous groups and environmental assessment.

Associated links

Federal infrastructure investments in British Columbia

Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program in British Columbia

Community, Culture and Recreational Infrastructure, Rural and Northern Infrastructure, and Green Infrastructure streams —three ICIP Components of IICP

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